Authors Posts by Al-Thawra Net

Al-Thawra Net


Al-Thawra Net Units of the army and popular committees carried out today a surprise attack on the positions of the Saudi-American mercenaries in Tabat al-Safinah...

Al-Thawra Net The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) expressed deep concern over the troubling pattern of recent airstrikes attacks that killed and wounded...

Al-Thawra Net The closure of Sana’a airport has caused more deaths in Yemen than airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition because many have died from not...

Al-Thawra Net The Saudi-American aggression Coalition has stopped a WFP truck convoys to reach the displaced people in Sirwah district of Marib Province. The Director of...

Al-Thawra Net A military source confirmed the continuation of the Saudi-American aggression and its mercenaries in targeting citizens during the past hours . The source told...

Al-Thawra Net The artillery force of the army and popular committees targeted the gatherings s of the Saudi-American aggression mercenaries  in Khaboub, Lahj province . A...

Al-Thawra Net A number  of Saudi-American aggression mercenaries were killed and others wounded in the  al-Dabab  area of Taiz province . A military source told the...

Al-Thawra Net Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf met the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Sana’a, Jamie McGoldrick. During the meeting, the Foreign Minister handed over the United...

Al-Thawra Net The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yahya Ali El-Rai, met the head of the European Union Mission in our country, Maria Antonia...

Al-Thawra Net Maria Antona, stressed on Monday that the solution in Yemen is through peaceful way, through dialogue and negotiations. The head of the European Union’s...