Authors Posts by Al-Thawra Net

Al-Thawra Net


Al-Thawra Net Human Rights Watch (HRW) said the United Kingdom is profiting from the suffering of Yemeni civilians by selling arms to Saudi Arabia. The prominent...

Al-Thawra Net Political Council of Ansarullah movement in Yemen congratulated the Iraqi government and nation for recapturing the city of Mosul. In a statement, the Political...

Al-Thawra Net The head of the Supreme Political Council, Saleh al-Samad sent a letter of condolence on the death of Sheikh Nasser bin Naji Saleh...

Al-Thawra Net Units of the Yemeni army and popular committees have stopped advancing attempts carried out by groups of Saudi’ mercenaries in the southern province...

Al-Thawra Net The Saudi-American airliner continued its raids targeting citizens' houses in a number of governorates during the past few hours . A military source told...

Al-Thawra Net The heroes of the army and the popular committees  targeted the mercenaries of the Saudi-American aggression and destroyed a tank and a mechanism...

Al-Thawra Net The US-Saudi  warplanes  launched four raids today on the homes of citizens in Sarawah Marib governorate . A local source told SABA  that the...

Al-Thawra Net The Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, Fa’aqa Al-Saeed, met the Resident representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Yemen, Angali...

Al-Thawar Net The security forces and popular Committees in al-Bayda province dismantled three explosives devices in Rada’a directorate. According to the Security information centre reported that...

Al-Thawra net The Human Rights Minister Alya Faisal Abdullatif met the official the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) office in Yemen   Leith al-Amoud. During the...