Authors Posts by Al-Thawra Net

Al-Thawra Net


Al-Thawra Net Adel al-Shuja, a leader in GPC, said that six countries support the political agreement that was signed in Sana’a between Houthi (Ansarullah) and...

Al-Thawra –Net July 30th a security officer was assassinated when a bomb planted in his car exploded in Aden. A local source said that the investigative...

Al-Thawra Net July 30th ,Yemen peace talks in Kuwait extended by a week, according to the United Nation envoy Ould Cheikh. "Grateful for the hospitality of...

Al-Thawra Net At least five Yemeni civilians, including three women, have lost their lives in new Saudi airstrikes on Saturday. Yemen’s al-Masirah TV reported that the...

  Al-Thawra –Net July 30th, the rocketry of Yemeni army and Popular committees launched a al-Zilzal 3, a locally made rockets, on Rjla'a camp in Najran. According...

Al-Thawra Net Abdullah Alao, the President of the Middle East Foundation for Development and Human Rights, said  in a press conference that they are working...

Al-Thawra Net Fayçal Jalloul, Arabic scholar and journalistو praised the political agreement that was signed in Sana’a between the biggest current parties in Yemen GPC...

Al-Thawra Net July 29th, at least two Saudi soldiers were killed and others were injured in artillery attack by Yemeni Army and Popular Committees targeting...

Al-Thawra Net Chancellor Philip Hammond is facing calls for a Commons motion of contempt over answers he gave to Parliament on Yemen when he...

Al-Thawra Net Leader of Yemen's Ansarullah Abdul-Malik al-Houthi has called for a "resolution based on justice" to the conflict in the country, saying the nation...