Al-Houthi Confirms His Government’s Steadfastness


Al-Thawra Net

Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi ,Head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, said that the Yemeni institutions have succeeded in several aspects despite the abnormal revenue situation in Yemen and the ongoing blockade.

That came in a an interview with Al-Masirah TV  channel on 29 March. The interview was about” what has Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi’s government- unrecognized government by the international community- achieved in political and economic security aspects?”

“Workers in all state institutions have faced the Saudi aggression and continued being in their offices holding meetings and work ;however, many  of their educators and other hospital staff in Amran were killed.”

Al-Houthi also confirmed that there is a huge staff which proved that they are Yemen’s protector, while others stands with aggression or stayed neutral.