FM Meets the UN Humanitarian Coordinator In Sana’a

Al-Thawra Net

May 28th, the foreign Minister Hisham  Sharaf met on Sunday, the United Nations Resident humanitarian Coordinator to Yemen  Jime McGoldrick.

The minster handed Jime McGoldric, the United Nations Resident humanitarian Coordinator to Yemen two letters .The first letter is addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, representatives of the five permanent and regular members, regarding the briefing of the Council with what had been discussed with the Special Envoy, Ismail Ould Cheikh during his recent visit to the Republic of Yemen.

In second letter was about  the concerning efforts and demands to open Sana’a International Airport to the commercial and civilian traffic.

In the letters, the Foreign Minister emphasized the safety of the airport and its surroundings, where the United Nations, its programs and its various crews still continue to use the airport in a normal manner, thus refuting all allegations of aggression and its illusions about the lack of conditions necessary for the safety of receiving aircraft at Sana’a International Airport.

He also stressed on the need that the UN officials and UNSC should be informed of the facts of the meeting, clarifying that the Supreme Political Council and the Salvation government are seeking a just political settlement and a sustainable peace that leads to the establishment of a state of order and law and a commitment to the Constitution, leading to the climate of security and stability that all the masses of the Yemeni people aspire to.