Massive Protests In Mark the Anniversary Of Yemen’s Saudi War, Sana’a


Al-Thawra Net

March 26th, hundreds of thousands protested in the Yemeni capital on the first anniversary of a U.S.-backed, Saudi-led coalition’s intervention into a civil war that has killed thousands and strengthened the Islamic State and al-Qaeda in this strategic Middle Eastern nation.

As coalition jets roared overhead, some demonstrators carried the Yemeni flag and chanted “End the siege!” while others vowed to “fight the Saudi aggression and its agents until their last man.”



Yemen Military participates in the protest at 60 street.
Yemen Military participates in the protest at 60 street.

In the protest, Saleh al-Samad, the Head of the Political Council of Anssar Allah, said that a Year of crimes committed by the Saudi aggression against the Yemenis “a year of international conspiracy violated the lives and rights of Yemenis. Year of blockade that prevent the most basic necessities of life to be reached to the Yemenis.”

Al-Samad pointed out that the Saudi aggression targeted not only the life of civilians but also  Yemen capabilities and infrastructure to get the country to economic collapse.


A side of the protest at 60 street
A side of the protest at 60 street

“Yemeni people protest today after a year of aggression, rubble, blockade  and jets roared overhead in the sake of its pride and dignity,” Al-Samad added.

He also called all the Yemeni elements and forces supporting the aggression to stop being enemies of their country and return to the homeland to be one hand against the aggression.

Simulation traditional dancing against Saudi aggression at 60 street
Simulation traditional dancing against Saudi aggression at 60 street
A Yemeni man holds a reminding picture of Vacuum bomb that hit Attan Mountain , heat and pressure weapons, on 20 April 2015 that killed 84 civilians , destroyed 700 houses and 800 causalities.
A Yemeni man holds a reminding picture of Vacuum bomb that hit Attan Mountain , heat and pressure weapons, on 20 April 2015 that killed 84 civilians , destroyed 700 houses and 800 causalities.

The Secretary-General of the General People’s Congress (GPC), Mr. Arif al-Zawka, that the GPC and its allies refuse all kinds of aggression against Yemen, “Saudi-led coalition war on Yemen serves their own interest and aims  not caring of the humanitarian crimes they committed in Yemen.”

A side of the protest at 70 street
A side of the protest at 70 street
One of the 70 street’s billboards
One of the 70 street’s billboards

People around the world reject the Saudi-led coalition aggression, such as, German and Sweden who participate by making photo exhibitions after a year of aggression.

Photo exhibition in the protest in German
Photo exhibition in the protest in German
Yemeni Kids in German protest
Yemeni Kids in German protest
Photo exhibition in Sweden protest
Photo exhibition in Sweden protest