Analyst: Saudi Arabia Acting As West’s Mideast Bully Boy


Al-Thawra Net

Marcus Papadopoulos, a publisher and editor of the Politics First, said that the unconditional support from staunch Western allies such as the US, Britain and France allows Saudi Arabia to get away with its brutal military aggression against its southern neighbor.

“It (Saudi Arabia) has in effect invaded an independent, sovereign country and has committed terrible war crimes, according to the United Nations secretary general,” the analyst said in an interview with the Press TV.

He further describes Riyadh as a “bully boy” for the West and Washington in particular, which has received a blank check to do what it takes to preserve US and Western interests in the Middle East.

Papadopoulos added that the ceasefire is not likely to hold as the “occupying” Saudi forces are not pulling back to their own country.

He then enumerates instances of Saudi Arabia’s human rights violations against its own citizens to conclude that Riyadh is trying to survive as a “barbaric dictatorship.”