Marib: Tribesmen Clashs With Saudi Allies For Blockading More Than A 1,ooo Fuel Tanker \

Al-Thawra Net

April 3rd,  a tanker driver killed and others injured during clashes between Tribesmen and  security check points members backed by Saudi  Arabia in Marib and al-Bida’a  provinces eastern Yemen.

A security source declared that the tribesmen attacked al- Falq  checkpoint on the road that link  between  Safer oil fields and al-Bida’a  areas, “the attack came after the checkpoint members obstructed  the transit of more than a thousand fuel tanker, and domestic gas for days .

The Yemenis forced to use this road instead of the road that links between Sana’a and Marib because of the fighting in Nehm area near to Sana’a .