Women Gathering Clover, Shibam, Wadi Hadhramaut, Yemen (1997). Photographer: Steve McCurry

Women Gathering Clover, Shibam, Wadi Hadhramaut, Yemen (1997). Photographer: Steve McCurry

Women gathering clover, Shibam, Wadi Hadhramaut, Yemen, 1999 The women wear these elongated hats to keep their heads cool in the intense heat as they gather clover for cattle. In the distance can be seen a Hadhrami family compound. Dwarfed by the crumbling mountains, the newly designed home is heavily fortified to protect against tribal raids. Phaidon, Iconic Images, final book_iconic Under a withering sun in the Wadi Hadhramaut, women wear hats to keep their heads cool as they gather clover for cattle. Behind them: a Hadhrami family compound, fortified against tribal raids. National Geographic, April 2000, Yemen United.