The International Community Recognizes The Importance Of National Delegation Suggestions In Kuwait

Al-Thawra Net

Political source confirmed that the international community and the concerned countries   ambassadors  recognized the importance of national delegation suggestion on Kuwait peace talks table.

The source also said to Saba’a News agency that some of the ambassadors confirmed that the UN envoy don’t share with them what is happening on the consultations table.

“UN envoy Ould Cheikh is in an embarrassing situation in front of what the national delegation provide to set the peace for Yemen,” the source said.

He added that  Ould Cheikh cannot go out of Saudis orders ; fearing that his fate will be like the former envoy Jamal Benomar, who was excluded by Saudi Arabia since he worked against their orders.

The source also pointed out that the national delegation provided positive suggestions to set a form for consensus authority at the level of the presidency and the government ,the military and security field and Safeguards  Committee. However, the Riyadh delegation insisted on their demands without providing any vision for a solution.