Ablan: Yemeni Women Prove Steadfastness And Creativity


Al-Thawra Net

The acting minister of  culture ministry, Huda Alban, confirmed yesterday that the Yemeni women proved through the hard long year that they are adorable and worthy to face and resist all the challenges as well as achieving an eloquent image of steadfastness and creativity .

During the event of the open day under the slogan Yemeni woman, paths of creativeness, Ablan said that the Yemeni woman strongly stood against all the circumstances especially the last long year of the Saudi-led coalition aggression.

She added women steadfastness reflected a strong picture of resistance , challenges and  creativity in different field even art, poetry and prose, ” Yemeni women will keep its way toward creativeness to overcome all the obstacles of the current  situation.”

Huda Ablan lunched an  Art Exhibition for numbers of talented  Yemeni women.