Child Labor Increases Because The Saudi Aggression On Yemen

Al-Thawra Net

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor prepares for the occasion of the World Day Against Child Labour in cooperation with the International Labour Organization.

The director manager of child labor, Mona Salem, said that child labor in Yemen increased during the past years  from million in 2010 to more than 3 million in 2016,  due to destroying schools  and increasing the numbers of displaced people because of the Saudi-led coalition aggression on Yemen.

Salem clarified that child labor caused a lot of problems such as  healthy problems ( mentally and physically) ,   school drop-out , increasing the crimes  , as well as spreading  streets gangs.

She stressed on the necessity to find urgent solution to stop child labor through intensive media campaign showing the risk of child labor , improving the education process and finding solution for  poverty which is the main reason for increasing the number of unemployment.