Six Countries Support Sana’a Agreement

Al-Thawra Net

Adel al-Shuja, a leader in GPC, said that six countries support the political agreement that was signed in Sana’a between Houthi (Ansarullah) and GPC party to form political council to govern the country, al-Seyassah, Kuwaiti newspaper, said.

According to al-Shuja, the six countries that supported the political council are USA, Russia, Iran, Germany, China and South Korea.

The agreement will remove the constitutional declaration that was announced by Houthi ( Ansarullah ) on 21 September when they control the state affairs, as well as resuming the work of the parliament and Shoura council.

Shuja added that the council presidency will be formed form GPC and Ansarullah and other political forces in the country, “the dialogue will be opened for all the political components to participate in the new government.”