Yemen’s Ansarullah Rejects UN Peace Plan

Al-Thawra Net

Yemen’s Ansarullah and their allies have rejected as unacceptable a United Nations peace plan for the country, saying the plan lacks any initiative for establishing a unity government in the war-torn country.

“What was presented by the [UN] envoy was no more than just ideas for a solution to the security aspect, subject to debate like other proposals,” said a Sunday statement by the delegation representing Houthis and their allies in ongoing peace talks in Kuwait.

Ansarullah had earlier expressed surprise at the peace proposal, saying the UN has altered the terms of a draft agreement earlier worked out in Kuwait. They said late Saturday after the announcement of the plan by UN special envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, that the roadmap was a non-starter, because it merely constituted a framework, far from being a peace deal for signing.


In the Sunday statement, Ansarullah and their allies in the General People’s Congress said any peace plan must first forge an accord on a new consensual executive authority, including a new president and government.

However, Houthis welcomed Ould Cheikh’s proposal to extend the talks for another week.