YMU Holds Its First Press Conference

Al-Thawra Net

Mohammed  Anam, Assistant Secretary General of the Yemeni Media Union(YMU), calls all the Yemeni media members to attend YMU first press conference tomorrow,

Anam said that the conference will be held on Monday under the slogan One Voice Against Aggression And Occupation that coincidence the passage of 500 Day of Yemenis steadfastness in the face of the US-Saudi brutal aggression.

He added that the conference will discuss the draft of the media honor charter to organize the affairs of media to reduce the sectarian and territorial differences.

He stressed that he media members have to be one hand to preserve the national unity and social peace.

“The conference coincidences with the  national political agreement and the declaration of the Supreme Council for the political management of the country’s affairs, media members and institutions have to made all efforts to reveal the aggression crimes,” Anam said.