Three Women And A Girl Injured By A Cluster Bombs


Al-Thawra Net

Three women and a girl were  injured  by a cluster bomb fired by Saudi Arabia mercenaries on a house in the directorate of Nhim Sana’a province  .

According to a local source, three women and a girl were injured  by a cluster bomb fired by the mercenaries of the aggression on their home in the Ramada area. The source  pointed  that the women and the girl infected are from  one family .

This crime is one of the crimes committed by the aggression and its mercenaries almost  on a daily basis and violates the right of citizens in a number of provinces by using internationally banned weapons

The girl Banian Fawaz Ahmed Ramadi

Manoah Naji Ali Al – Ramadi

Wadad Naji Ali Al-Ramadi

saeaduh Mohsen Al-Ramadi