$3 Billion Losses Of Fish Sector Due To Saudi Aggression

Al-Thawra Net

April 12th, the ministry of Fishes and the General Authority for Fisheries held a press conference on the fish sector losses due to Saudi-led coalition aggression on Yemen.

During the conference, the chairman of the General Authority for Fisheries Abdul Qader al-Wadai reviewed a brief report on the casualties of the fish sector as a result of targeting its buildings and facilities by Saudi-American aggression.

Al-wadai stated  that the total losses in the fish sector amounted to $3, 114, 33o, while the numbers of martyrs of fishermen reached to 133 , and the number of fishermen who have lost their sources of income 36 1, 668  fishermen.

He also clarified that the Saudi-American aggression warplanes destroyed 204 boats losses estimated at $4,713 million, as well as causing direct damages to the source of living for more than 1.5 million people.

Moreover, the chairman of the General Authority for Fisheries indicated that 4, 586 thousands boats were stopped most of them are in Midi of Hajjah province and Thobab of Taiz province, losses estimated at $ 1,655, 170 due to the bombardment of Saudi-led coalition aggression  .

While the numbers of the institutions that stopped its activities reached to 50 institutions with estimated losses at $5, 262,000, al-Wadai added

The Saudi-led coalition aggression caused huge damages to the Yemeni sea environment as a result of overfishing under the protection of the aggression warships , theses loses estimated by $1, 5oo, 500,000 in addition to the evaluation of the environmental impact that amounted to $8,400,000,wile the casualties of the infrastructures estimated to $13, 320,000 due to Saudi-American aggression bombing  .