Leader Of Revolution Reveals The Intentions Of America And Israel In The Region

Al-Thawra Net

April 24th, Leader of Revolution Abdul Malik al-Houthi said the only choice for the Yemeni people is to resist  against all US-Saudi aggression and stop their internal affairs in Yemen.

Al-Houthi delivered a speech on the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Martyr Commander Husain Badruddin al-Houthi on Sunday the 23rd of April 2017, he said “We are responsible to fight the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition against the Yemeni people.”

Mr. Abdul Malik al-Houthi said that the cause of the Martyred Commander is to reform the reality of Ummah by change and reformation. This determination did not come out of its own from a vacuum but it came from the understanding the identity, principles and ethics. The American attack came in 2001 at the time when the Ummah was divided and having poor vision, where many regimes of the region joined the American attack on the Ummah.

The leader of Yemeni Revolution said that the another trend of Ummah was stagnancy and absolving of responsibilities and compliances and to wait for the outcome of the events, where as the third trend among Ummah chose to see with proper logic and responsible attitude to the US attack. The third trend is the attitude of freedom loving in all forms, and to face the attack has price and sacrifice but still it is less expensive as compared to the ‘catastrophe of the consequences’ if the choice is to be made because America gives importance only to its interests without caring about others.

In his speech, he further said that the America and Israel are two sides of same coin and Israel is a thorn in the throat of Ummah which is planted by Western colonialism. The Iraqis and Afghanis have resisted the American attacks.