Parliament Praises The Steadfastness Of Yemeni Citizens And Their Challenge To Aggression

Al-Thawra Net
The House of Representatives continued to hold its sessions today under the chairmanship of the President of the Council, Yahya Ali Alrai.

During the meeting, the council discussed a number of issues related to the economic and financial conditions, including the situation resulting from saudi-led coalition aggression  that targeted land, sea, air and economic blockade.

In this context, the Council commended the steadfastness of the citizens, their resistance and their legendary challenge to aggression in its various forms, despite the suffering resulted of the aggression and blockade.
The session urged the competent authorities of the government and its concerned institutions to follow up the implementation of the recommendations of the Council to visit number of governorates to visit and check up the conditions of the prisons give priority to prisoners who have not been convicted. .