Saudi Aggression Targets Yemeni Governorates

Al-Thawra Net

A military source confirmed that the Saudi American aggression continues to launch its raids on citizens and their properties in a number of the Yemeni  governorates during the past hours .

The source said in a statement to the Yemeni news agency “SABA” that the  aggression warplanes  targeted a car in the area of Alnasma in Taiz which resulted  the death and injuries  of seven citizens. The source pointed out that aggression warplanes  launched three raids at Mokha crossroads  .

The source added that the aggression warplanes  launched a raid on Sinhan  directorate  Sana’a province , nine raids on  Midi and Harad directorates  Hajjah province,  11 raids on  Doran district  Dhamar province, and two raids on Sarwah directorate in Marib .

The source said that in Sada’a province the aggression warplanes launched a raid on  Al-Zaher  and two raids on Maran districts, three raids on  Shada district and two raids on  Baqem directorate, as well as a raid on the Khlefin district  and two raids al- Ghail directorate  in Al-Jowaf province .