18 Thousand Raids On Sarawah And The Local Authority Declares It A Disaster Area

Al-Thawra Net

The local authority in Marib province declared  that Sarawah directorate is a disaster area as a result of the continuous targeting by the Saudi-American aggression on infrastructure, houses, markets, bridges and health facilities .

Marai al-Amiri  The General Director of Sarawah directorate  said that the aggression war planes  launched more than 18 thousand raids on the directorate since the beginning of the aggression which resulted the death and wounding of 305 citizens, including women and children .

He pointed out that  the aggression destroyed more than 320 houses ,20 farms  ,50 shops and four major oil stations belonging to the citizens in the market of Sarawah, which caused the cessation of public life and exacerbate the suffering of the people .

Al-Amiri said that aggression destroyed 10 bridges connecting the main areas of Sarawah  to the other directorates ,five secondary and basic schools ,two professional institutes in addition to 6 mosques, also the  electrical grid was completely out of service due to the targeting of electricity lines and towers .

The Health Sector Director in Sarawah said that the Saudi  aggression destroyed the central hospital of Sarawah and three health facilities and stopped all health centers from providing medical and therapeutic services for patients  . He added  that the aggression targeted 15 projects for water well in the directorate .

The raids resulted in the displacement of approximately 3,400 families, some of them to safe areas and camps within the directorate and the majority to neighboring  directorates and provinces .

The General Director of Sarwah  directorate called  humanitarian authorities  and relief organizations to assist the people of Sarwah  and to provide urgent humanitarian services to them as a result of aggression and displacement to alleviate their suffering .