2nd Neurosurgery Conference On Discusses 62 Working Papers In Sana’a

Al-Thawra Net

During the 2nd  Neurosurgery conference,  250 neurologists discuss the latest developments. The conference organized by the Yemeni association  of Neurosurgery  surgeons in coordination with Al Alamia for Quality Systems in the capital Sana’a for three days during the period 16-18 of In May.

The Secretary-General of the Conference and the International Coordinator Dr. Ismail Al-Kabsi said in a press release that this conference is the first to use the latest technologies that will be made internationally by means of live broadcasts through the International Neurosurgery Channel, which will be used live broadcast through the conference sessions.

The conference aims to discuss the latest developments in neurosurgery, and also to discuss scientific research in this field, and to allow Yemeni doctors to learn about the latest developments in the field of neurosurgery and to participate in scientific research,” he said.

Dr. Al-Kabsi pointed out that the war increased the spread of diseases and hindering the educational process and stopping the speed of development, so it is important  to establish the conference, which represents a strong push to fight disease, improve education opportunities and follow the latest technologies in Yemen.