Aviation Authority Launches A Photo Exhibition For Saudi-American Crimes On Yemen

Al-Thawra Net

The head of the General Authority for Civil Aviation and Meteorology Mohammed Abdul Qadir opened a Photo exhibition for Saudi-American aggression crimes on Yemen.

In the event, Mohammed Abdul Qadir said that the Saudi-led coalition aggression crimes are blot on the face of humanity and Yemeni people will not forget for generations.

Abdul Qadir confirmed that massacres committed by the Saudi-American aggression in Yemen were not seen in the first and Second World War.

“Aggression has left nothing, starting with the killing of the child, the elderly, the woman, as well as destroying airports, schools, universities and vital institutions of the country’s infrastructures,’’ he added

The exhibition included photographs of factories, companies, universities, schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, electrical institutions , communications and photographs of the massacres committed  by the Saudi-American aggression in several provinces of Yemen.

Moreover, the exhibition also showed figures expressing of victories made by the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees’ forces in the Saudi depth.
