FM Meets The President Of World Humanitarian Forum

Al-Thawra Net
May 8th, the Foreign Minister Hisham Sharf met on Monday the Head of the World Humanitarian Forum Hani Al-Bana in Sana’a.

In the meeting, the head of the World Humanitarian Forum reviewed the results of the visits made by the team, expressing his surprise at the deteriorated humanitarian situation in Yemen.

“The humanitarian situation in Yemen is one of the forgotten issues in the world,” he said, “the humanitarian situation in Yemen is worse than many countries in similar circumstances, including Somalia. Yet, the humanitarian response to the situation in Somalia was better than Yemen”.

Al-Bana emphasized on the importance of developing an emergency budget from all countries of the world to respond to the deteriorated humanitarian situation in Yemen.

In his part the Foreign minster, welcomed the President of the World Humanitarian Forum, confirming that the forgotten and deteriorated humanitarian situation is due to Saudi-led coalition aggression.

“Despite of the Foreign Ministry and its staff’s efforts, the world began to communicate with the government and many meetings were previously held and currently with Australians, Germans and China, and other countries of the world through different means of communication that will prove its effectiveness with the days,” the minister said

He also stressed that the main causes of the disappearance of the humanitarian issue in Yemen is the huge sums of money paid by the Saudi regime to many media and international television stations under various names.

The Foreign Minister Hisham Sharf, emphasized on the necessity of opening Sana’a international airport to stop the airstrikes bombardment and lift the blockade as a basis for starting any negotiations.