Minister Of Information Honors The Employees Of Al-Thawra Foundation For Press

Al-Thawra  Net

In the occasion of two years of steadfastness and the Workers’ Day, thw Information Minister Ahmed Hamed said national media played an important role in the face of the media the Saudi-American aggression on Yemen.

in the celebration Al-Thawra Foundation for press, printing and publishing, Hamed  called on national media to make a greater efforts in the third year of aggression.

He praised the Foundation as the first media organization that provided the system of the commodity card for its employees in the framework of solutions set by the Government of National Salvation to confront the economic war launched by Saudi aggression.

In his speech, Al-Thawra Chairman Abu Bakr Abdullah explained that the journalists and employees of Al-Thawra Foundation are working in exceptional circumstances imposed by the Saudi-American aggression against all the Yemeni people, their motivation is the national duty towards their country .