MSF Calls for Increased Response To Cholera Outbreak

Al-Thawra Net
Shinjiro Murata, MSF’s head of mission in Yemen said that humanitarian assistance needs to be urgently scaled up to limit the spread of the outbreak and anticipate other potential outbreaks.
“We have patients coming from many different districts, tens of kilometers away,” Shinjiro Murata said.
“We are very concerned that the disease will continue to spread and become out of control. A smooth collaboration between health actors and relevant authorities is needed to provide prompt support to health facilities and local communities directly in the affected areas,” Shinjiro Murata added
In statement MSF expressed concern that a number of health facilities have stopped functioning due to the lack of operating budget and salaries for staff since September 2016.
“With the severely weakened Yemeni health system, that health authority alone will not be able to deal with the outbreak,” the statement added.