UAE Forces Prevents Bin Dagher To Enter Aden

Al-Thawra Net

May 7th,  political source revealed that the leadership of the UAE forces stationed in the city of Aden prevented the Prime Minister of ” fugitive president ” Abderbo Mansour Hadi from entering the city .

The source confirmed to al-Eahd Yemeni news  Agency that the UAE leadership in the city, prevented Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Dagher  appointed by Hadi as prime minister, from entering the city, and refused any mediation or receive communications seeking to solve the problem.

The UAE move comes days after the historic declaration of Aden, which authorized the former governor of Aden  ” Idroos al-Zubaidi” the administration of the south and rejected the so-called Hadi legitimacy and his  decisions of dismissal that targeted al- Zubaidi and Ben Brik .