35 Saudi soldiers killed and wounded in operations of the Yemeni army in Jizan

Al-Thawra Net

Field military sources confirmed the death and injury of about 35 Saudi soldiers in operations carried out yesterday by the Yemeni army and the popular committees in areas of the Saudi depth in Jizan.

The sources said the20 Saudi soldiers dead and wounded  in an attack launched by the Yemeni army and the popular committees yesterday on Saudi enemy fortifications in northern Khouba in Jizan, in concurrently  with other operations targeting the enemy gatherings in the sites of Al -Dafinia and Qaim Zabid and AL-Kurs in Jizan resulted 15 dead and wounded of the Saudi soldiers.

The military sources said that the Yemeni army and the popular committees launched intensive artillery operations the Saudi aggression camp in the AL-qaorh northern AL-Tuwal, AL-aredh  in Jizan resulted destruction of military vehicles of the enemy.

The military sources said that the Yemeni  army and  popular committees   targeted  the enemy mercenaries north of Midi desert  in Hajah province border causing direct casualties, While sniper shot down six Saudi soldiers in Asir