Al-Houthi: The Palestinian People Are Part Of The Nation And We Have A Religious Duty To Support Them

Al-Thawra Net

The leader of the revolution, al-Seyyed Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi, called, on Thursday, Yemenis to take streets on the occasion of International Quds Day Friday.

In a live televised speech in Al Masirah Channel,al- Seyyed AbduMalik said that Israel’s positions with regard to some Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia,  have common interest between Tel Aviv.

“The Jews were keen to have a great motivation to interact with the idea of gathering to Palestine, which is an instinctive national motivation to have an entity, but there is a major and fundamental motivation, which is the religious motivation that they have made the dynamo that drives many of them to start with all seriousness and focused on promised land and structure “, al-Seyyed Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi said.

“Jews have been living in Yemen for thousands of years and left it, although they lived in the Arab arena as a witness under stable conditions in the Muslim world and no one persecuted them in the entire Arab world,” he  added.

Al-Houthi said that Hamas asked, in a press statement, Arabs and Muslims to support Occupied Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Mosque as well as the Palestinian besieged people on International Quds Day which coincides on last Friday of holy month of Ramadan.

The International Quds Day is an annual event opposing Israel’s occupation of Beit al-Muqaddas, and anti-Zionist rallies and demonstrations have been held on the last Friday of Ramadan in Arab countries, special in Yemen as well as well as a large number of Muslim and non-Muslim states.

The leader of the revolution addressed the Saudi regime to change its policy toward their neighbor Yemen.