Criminal Mokhtar Al Kushaybi, 80 Elements Arrested

Al-Thawra Net

A security official said the security services and popular committees have arrested the criminal so-called Mokhtar al Kushaybi and 80 of his men in Sana’a.

Al Kushaybi and his men have committed two murder crimes and acts of looting and robbing in Hizyaz and Bani Huwat areas in the capital Sana’a, as well as they cut the regular road linking Sana’a with Dhamar province and not allowing citizens to travel through, the official told Saba late on Thursday.

The criminals also have resisted and fought the state authorities, said the official, adding that when the criminals refused to turn themselves in to the state authorities, the public prosecution issued a compulsive arrest warrant by which the security services and popular committees stormed the criminals’ hideouts in two houses and arrested them.