Indian Youth Activists Conduct conference to “Stop the War on Yemen”

Al-Thawra Net

As a mark of protest against the prolonged Saudi led air strikes in Yemen prominent organizations in New Delhi organized a peace conference today. Demanding immediate ceasefire in Yemen the speakers in the conference condemned the Saudi led air strikes and called it violation of international humanitarian law (IHL).

Hundreds of youths from universities and colleges in New Delhi joined the conference. The demonstrators also signed a petition to be submitted in the United Nations office and Foreign Ministry in India.

They condemned the hegemonic role of United States in the Middle East Dr. Manoranjan Mohanty advocated for self-rule by saying that “Swaraj should be imposed for self-determination and to combat terrorism. Criticizing the silence of United Nation over the ongoing war in Yemen Mohanty added that “UN has been reduced to a debate forum in the Trump regime”.

With the pretext of promotion of democracy in Yemen the most undemocratic monarchical country like Saudi Arabia has been leading the alliance against Yemen which is totally bogus, said peace activist and West Asian expert Shahid Pradhan. He urged the world to stand against the Saudi led alliance to fight against undemocratic authoritarian regimes and countries promoting terrorism.

Maulana Jalal Naqvi said that this Peace conference organized in New Delhi is a ray of hope for world peace during this era of darkness. He said that Democratic wishes of Yemeni People should be respected and they should be given rights for choosing their own Government.

Pawan Shriwastava Convener of Rastriya Swabiman Andholan said that all the organizations like UN, established after the World War 2 has been failed and the World is needed to move towards a new World Order.

Dr Kuldeep Singh lambasted the whole humanity over the silence on Yemen War in which thousands of innocent people have been killed.

Purnima Anand said that she would urge BRICS countries to take stand in favor of innocent Yemeni people and to start a peace process in Yemen.

A 1 minute silence was also observed for all the innocent Yemeni people who have died in this conflict. Declining the major misconception regarding the conflict which is portraying as a Shia-Sunni conflict Mr Feroz Rabbani said that the conflict is not a Shia Sunni rivalry but the struggle is for establishment of human and democratic rights.