Seminar in the United Nations responsibility on International law violations in Yemen

Al-Thawra Net

Jun 8th, A seminar held in Sana’a about the United Nation responsibility on International law violations in Yemen and the role of the United nation representative to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheick Ahmed  organized by Middle East Foundation for Development and Human Rights and Shams al-Adalah and Freedom organization .

The workshop discussed three working papers, the first entitled the performance of the United Nations through the UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh on war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law and the requirements of protecting civilians submitted by the head of the Middle East Foundation for Development and Human Rights Abdullah Alaw.

Abdullah Alaw indicated that since March 26, 2015, Yemen has been witnessing serious breaches of international humanitarian law, bypassing the UN Charter and massive violations of human rights, stressing that the United Nations had not taken any action to ensure accountability and impunity for those who committed such crimes and violations.

He also stressed that the Saudi-led aggression Coalition have violated international humanitarian law and human rights and has caused war crimes against thousands of civilians in Yemen deliberately , noting that the situation in Yemen requires a deeper understanding of the demands of the political forces, a dialogue between all the parties and seek political solutions without external  interference.