The Army and The Popular Committees Stop Mercenaries in Nehim

Al-Thawra Net

units of the Yemeni army and the popular committees  stopped an attempt to creep by the Saudi American aggression mercenaries  in Nehim .

A field military source told “Khabar” that the army unit and the Popular Committees  stopped mercenaries   in many areas  in Nehim directorate.

According to the source the army killed  and wounded a number of the aggression mercenaries during failed attempt to creep  that coincided with a heavy flight of hostile warplanes .

The source  pointed out that the army units and supporters have forced the groups of mercenaries to retreat, leaving the bodies of their dead.

He added that the artillery of the mercenaries bombed the areas of Beni Baraq , Masoura and other areas of Nehim directorate