Yemeni Army Targets Saudi Soldiers Gathering in Asir and Najran

Al-Thawra Net

Jun 7th , artillery force of the Yemeni army and popular committees   hit gatherings for  Saudi soldiers in Asir, Najran provinces.

A military source told Saba News Agency Saba that artillery shelling of the army and Popular Committees bombed gatherings for Saudi soldiers at al-Daba’a site in Asir, causing causalities in their ranks.

Meanwhile, the snipers unite of the army and popular committees shot dead a Saudi soldier in al –Nashma’a military sites in al -Rabu’eh area.

Moreover, the artillery of the army and popular committees pounded other groups in al –Makhrawq military site behind al- Sudis and Raqabat al -Hamer in Najran, the same source added