Al-Samad: Yemeni Land is Not Negotiable

Al-Thawra Net

The head of the Supreme Political Council Saleh al-Samad said that the Yemeni land is not a bargaining and that the project of fragmentation will not be achieved, confirming that Yemenis will defeat the alliance of aggression

“The heroes of the army and the popular committees as a general  of Yemenis have faced  an enemy  who has no ethics , no spirit and values , but have wealth , weapons, latest technologies and aircraft  , nevertheless the Yemeni army and popular committees’ forces achieved  a great victories in all fronts,”  al-Samad said in his meeting at the Republican Palace in Sana’a, with the Defense Minister , the Major General Mohammed Nasser al-Atafi , and a number of the commanders and staff of the 4th and 7th military zones.

The head of the Supreme Political Council praised the efforts and the sacrifices of the leadership of the two military zones to defend the homeland against Saudi-led aggression coalition.

“This battle is a with the American enemy and its tools headed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, pointing out to the Zionist presence and its objectives in planning and even participating which is often done by Zionist instruments such as warplanes that bombed  some areas,” al-Samad added

Al-Sammad stressed to take all measures to defend the country against the Saudi and Emirates’ plans that seek to divide Yemen.

In their part, Defense Minister and a number of the commanders and staff of the 4th and 7th military zones stressed their readiness to defend the unity, independence and sovereignty of Yemen.