Four Prisoners Executed By the UEA forces and Mercenaries in Mawza’a

Al-Thawra Net

The National Committee for Prisoners ‘Affairs revealed that four member of the army and popular committees have been executed by mercenaries of aggression and under the protection of UAE forces in Mawza’a directorate of Taiz province.

“In a barbaric and brutal act against all religious, moral and human rights, a group of the so-called legitimacy carried out an execution of four captives from the army and the popular committees in Mawza’a district in Taiz province, which confirms the extraction of values, morals and human conscience through slaughtering and representation of corpses,” the committee said in a statement

The Committee strongly condemned this heinous crime, which is against all morals, and cultures that stress the protection and non-victimization of prisoners, calling on the invasion forces of (UAE) and its mercenaries to take the full responsibility for these crimes.

“These heinous acts would not discourage the committee to demand the full release of prisoners, including those in the UAE and KSA prisons, noting that the prisoners from the other side are fully cared for in accordance with Islamic, human and even tribal morals that do not do any harm to them,” the statement added

We are taking all legal, human, social and juridical in the exchange process of prisoners and missing persons fully, with not exception but we are constantly facing obstacles imposed by the invading forces (UAE) in an effort to perpetuate the suffering of the Yemeni people, the statement said