Saudi American Aggression Continue To Target Yemeni Infrastructure

Al-Thawra Net

The Saudi American aggression s continued  its raids on the governorates of the republic targeting infrastructure and citizens’ properties during the past hours .

The source pointed out that the hostile aircraft launched two raids on the directorate of al-Mtoun in the province of Al-Jawf , a raid on Nehim  directorate  in Sana’a, and launched six raids on different areas in Sarawah  directorate Marib province .

The source said that the Saudi enemy returned to target   al-Raqu market in Munabuh directorate  with automatic weapons, while the  warplanes launched two raids on al- Zaher directorate  and four raids on Saqin directorate  in the province of Sa’ada .

In Jizan, the aggression warplanes launched seven raids on different areas.