Saudi- Bombings, Cholera Lethal Combination Affecting Yemen

Al-Thawra Net

United Nations (UN) agencies warned today about the devastating impact on the Yemeni population of the Saudi-led coalition aggression, blockade and the cholera epidemics are affecting the country.

According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 13,609 civil victims have been recorded since March, 2015, including 5,000 fatal victims, as a result of Saudi airstrikes campaign.

“Those figures are certainly larger and some calculations show the death of more than 11,000 people,” said spokesman Rupert Colville.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that from April 27 and July 19, this year, they have reported 368,207 suspected cases of cholera and 1,828 fatal victims of the epidemics.

“Every day, 5,000 Yemeni citizens get sick with symptoms of acute diarrhea or cholera,” he regretted.

According to the UN, around 80 percent of the population in Yemen, more than 21 million people need humanitarian aid.