41 Raids on Yemeni Provinces in past 24 hours by the Saudi Aggression

Al-Thawra Net

The American-Saudi aggressive warplanes launched a series of criminal raids on a number of the governorates of the republic, causing great damage to public and private property during the past few hours .

According to a security source the aggression warplanes  launched six raids on many areas on Baqam directorate in the province of Sa’ada,  nine raids in Kataf directorate , launched a raid on Shada directorate , while missile and Saudi machineguns bombing targeted  Al-Sheikh and Al-Bekaa on Mnbh directorate .

The source said that the aggression warplanes targeted with  two raids Mustaba directorate in the province of Hajja , 14 raids on Harad and Midi, and  two raids on Mokha in  Tiaz province , which led to the loss of citizens property .

The source pointed out that the warplanes  launched two raids on  in Bab Al-Naqa area in Hodeidah province, which led to total cut of the road that links  between Sana’a and Hodeidah and  Sarawah directorate in Marib was targeted by four raids .

The Saudi American aggression coalition targets the people of Yemen since March 26, 2015, leaving thousands of dead and wounded, mostly children and women .