Al-Atifi: More Surprises Will Be More Painful To The Saudi Aggression

Al-Thawra Net

The Defense Minister, Maj. Gen. Mohammed Nasser al-Atifi said that the Yemeni military strategies against the aggression coalition has moved into  a new stage that will be more comprehensive in line with the challenges and requirements to defend the sovereignty, unity and independence of Yemen.

The minster stressed that there are many military and economic surprises that will be more painful to the Saudi-led aggression coalition to come and they will not be able to black out the news.

The most priorities at this important and sensitive stage are to support and strengthen the internal and borders frontlines by all means, material, human and logistical, he said in a statement to Saba news Agency.

The Supreme Political Council, the Salvation Government, the National Defense Council, the High Military commission, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the Presidium of the General staff giving all attention during this period to achieve the priority objectives, the Defense Minister added

Maj. Gen. Mohammed Nasser al-Atifi praised the courageous national positions and the enormous sacrifices of the army and popular Committees in various fronts of dignity and steadfastness to counter the Saudi-American aggression against Yemen.