Foreign Minister Meets Representatives of International Humanitarian Organizations in Sana’a

Al-Thawra Net

Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf Abdallah met today in Sana’a the Resident Representative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Acting Resident Representative of the OCHA Office, the Acting Resident Representative of the World Food Program (WFP) and Resident Representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

During the meeting, they discussed the Saudi Arabia’s recent measures to impose additional fees on all residents of its territory and the consequences of the large-scale deportations of several nationalities.

The meeting also dealt with the issue of internal displacement and the increasing number of displaced people due to the continuous shelling in all areas targeted by the Saudi-American aggression and blockade, in light of the lack of necessary resources on the government side to cover the needs of this category, which expand their suffering and increase the number of victims day after day,

“The National salvation government directly accused Saudi aggression to worsen humanitarian catastrophe, the deliberate policies to expand and doubling the suffering of Yemenis, especially under the pressure facing the service sectors in the country, in addition to severe shortage of resources and almost complete destruction of infrastructures,” the Foreign Minister said

In their parts, Representatives of international humanitarian organizations drew attention to the expectation of a large wave of exodus from several nationalities because of the Saudi measures and the lack of clarity and mechanisms to move these groups, both in terms of means of departure and transport or transit ports, especially with the current security risks and the complete closure of Sana’a airport.

Hisham Sharaf stressed the need for the UN offices to highlight the growing suffering of the displaced and Yemeni citizens of about three million, in addition to those who are exposed to depart from Saudi territory, calling on the international community to fulfill its humanitarian obligations towards the urgent needs of displaced people to help them to alleviate their suffering as a result of the Saudi-Saudi aggression.