Al-Sayed Condemns The genocide against Muslims in Burma

The leader of the revolution al-Sayed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, expressed his deep condemnation of the horrific crimes committed against Muslims in Burma, declaring his full solidarity with them and considering what they are exposed to as a disgrace to the Western world .

“The Muslims of Burma are cursed by the forces of labor and betrayal within our nation,” al-Sayed said in a statement .

“Those who claim that they are the banner of the Islamic nation and the people of the holy sites are only stirring up sedition,” he said. “The West and American imperialism do not raise the banner of human values except to deceive people”.

Al-Sayed also condemned the silence of the Muslim world regimes on the what is happening to the Muslims in Burma .

Al-Sayed  stressed the need to act urgently and seek to stop the genocide against the Muslims of Burma . He also  declared human and Islamic solidarity with the oppressed Muslims of Burma and condemned the crimes against them .