Army and Popular committees Storm 13 Positions for The Mercenaries and Kill 2 Leaders in Marib

A number of the Saudi-American aggression mercenaries were killed and wounded  including two of the most prominent military and field commanders in the frontier of Sarawah in Marib .

A military source said that specialized units of the army and popular committees launched a quick attack on one of the mercenaries position  in the area of Rabia valley in  Sarawah directorate which killed and wounded a number of mercenaries and destroyed  fortifications  and military equipment .


According to the source, among the dead mercenaries, the mercenary Colonel “Ali Taher al-Bara’i,” one of the military brigades loyal to the aggression, in addition to the mercenary Ali Abdullah al-Abdi, one of the field leaders of mercenaries in the valley of Rabia .

The army and Popular Committees stormed on Saturday more than 13 military positions for the  aggression mercenaries in Sarawah front in  which they killed and wounded a large number of mercenaries in addition to the seizure of quantities of weapons and ammunition .