“Haaretz”: War on Yemen Showed The Modest capabilities of The Saudi Army

The Hebrew newspaper “Haaretz” said that the Saudi war on Yemen, showed the failures of the Saudi army and its modest capabilities despite the huge amounts of money spent on it.

The newspaper added in a report by the Arab analyst, Zvi Bariel, that the war in Yemen, is the largest humanitarian disaster in the world and Saudi Arabia realized that sophisticated weaponry is not a guarantee of victory.

The newspaper pointed out that Washington is moving away from the Yemeni arena and allows Saudi Arabia to run the battlefield with a resounding failure, while Russia and European powers can’t be sure of its fate.

The royal palace, led by Mohammed bin Salman who led a military battle against the Yemenis, was not just a battle to keep the Saudi border from sliding the Yemeni battle. It is a war in which Riyadh presents its military capabilities to Iran. But two and a half years after the war, sophisticated weapons, US-made aircraft, and infantry with the best technology are no guarantee of military victory.

The newspaper described the Saudi aggression on Yemen as a farce that progressed Saudi Arabia as a militarily modest state, and to a large extent explained the limited capacity of Arab countries to resolve conflicts diplomatically and morally, and to what extent need the intervention of Western countries or Russia to calm regional conflicts.