Saudi Aggression and Its mercenaries continue to Target Yemeni provinces


Saudi American warplanes and its mercenaries continued to target residential areas, killing and injuring a number of citizens during the past hours .

A military source told SABA that three citizens, including two children, were killed and three others were injured when a shell was fired by the Aggression mercenaries on the automatic bakery district of Taiz province .

The source pointed out that the aggression warplanes launched four raids on different areas in Mwazi directorate Taiz, and 11 raids including drone strikes on different areas of Sarawah directorate in Marib province .

In Sana’a province the aggression warplanes  launched four raids on the areas of Al-Mdfoun in Nehim directorate , eight raids on Sinhan directorate , a raid on Bani Matar directorate and two raids on the area of Harib Nehim .

The source pointed out that the aggression warplnes launched a raid on Hiran directorate and 13 raids on Harad and Midi in the province of Hajjah . A raid on the area of Atan, in the capital Sana’a .

In Sada’a province , the source said that the hostile warplanes launched four raids in Kattaf district , a raid on Al-Zaher district, and launched two raids on the Shada district .

According to the source the aggression warplanes  launched a raid on the naval base in  Hodeidah province , three raids on Tala position in Najran, and a raid on the column position  in Jizan .