Al-Sayyed Calls To Fight The Occupation And To Be Aware

Al-Thawra Net

The leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, stressed the importance of promoting a culture of freedom, independence and awareness of the seriousness of foreign occupation.

In his speech on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Zeid bin Ali (peace be upon him), Abdulmalik al-Houthi stressed the need to move seriously and responsibly to fight the Saudi-American aggression which is based on the teachings of the Islam and the great symbols of our history, including Imam Zeid ibn Ali.

Imam Zaid’s movement was an extension of the revolution raised by his grandfather Imam Hussein in spirituality and principle and value, and that move was the move of their grandfather prophet Muhammad peace be upon him to reform the society and spread justice and freedom,” al-Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi said.

“The nation today is facing real dangers from those foreign occupying forces and their tyrants and that it cannot be protected only through the serious move and trust in God”, the leader of the Revolution added.

He pointed out that the reality of the Yemeni people today and what the US-Saudi aggression is doing is a model of that similar tyranny of all time, which is a behavior that is repeated over time.

“ The 54th anniversary of the 14th revolution of October has passed the Spark and the revolutionary liberation of colonialism and the elimination of the occupation in the south after more than 120 years and on this occasion there is much to be said but there is no room to mention,” al-Sayyed Abdulmalik said

Al-Houthi explained that the British occupation had benefited from the presence of parties and personalities who had cooperated, fought with him and participated in genocide and killed the people at various stages of the British occupation in Aden and the south.

The UAE occupation forces took full control of the south for its interests, but the majority in the South in the occupied areas is dissatisfied with the status quo and the facts are clear to them every day, al-Houthi added