Saudi-Led Coalition Unmaskes its Heavy Losses in Lives

The Saudi-Led Coalition admitted ,Sunday, that a big number of Saudi soldiers fell dead and wounded at the hands of Yemeni joint forces in clashes fronts beyond the borders.

According to Saudi media , 12 Saudi soldiers were killed and wounded in clashes with the Yemeni joint forces:

The following are their names:

Sami Hasan Hussien Bakri


Aisa Abdali

Mohammed Ahmed Swaid AL-Zahrani

Mofareh Salem AL-Harisi

Masnad Mohammed Masnad AL-Jafri AL-Anzi

Mosa’a Awad AL-Nami AL-Jamaai

Saed AL- Kharsan AL-Wadaai

Saeed AL-Hamhami AL-Mtani

Faiz Tarkheem AL-Saidi AL-Hadal

Mohammed Hejab AL-Sabeq

Maid Briq AL-Harthi

Mohammed Ahmed AL-Swaidi