Swedish Rights Activist: Yemen Victim of UN’s Regime Change Policies

Al-Thawra Net

A human rights activist from Sweden slammed the United Nations for backing the ongoing genocide committed by the Saudi regime in Yemen and said the Arabian Peninsula country is a victim of the regime change policies of the Western-dominated organization.

“The UN should be able to act (on Yemen) but is too much dominated by the modern form of British Empire, with its commonwealth members and the Western allies,” Ulf Sandmark said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency.

The International organizations have a too limited agenda to stop the war. Their agenda is to alleviate the suffering and describe what is going on. It is good as far as it can go, but what is needed are political actions, which could only be demanded from governments, politicians, political organizations and citizens acting politically. Such action needed action, we now, for example, see from the four US Congressmen forcing a vote in Congress against the US support of the war on Yemen, Sandmark added

Ulf Sandmark said that the UN should be able to act but is too much dominated by the modern form of British Empire, with its commonwealth members and the Western allies. The UN has even backtracked on its Westphalian Peace conceptions of national sovereignty and adopted the Regime change agenda of Tony Blair so-called R2P. Yemen is a victim of the regime change policies.

Militarily, the Saudi-led coalition is losing the war and cannot move their forces into Yemen without being repelled. They are only able to try to break the will of their enemy by attacking the population. However, there is more to this, as the Saudi air force attacks also the culture and heritage of Yemen. What we see are the same dark age forces destroying other nations in the region. The policy is not to conquer, but to block development and create lawless regions, which can be centers of destabilizations of the entire Eurasian continent, Sandmark added

He also pointed out that the Saudis were recruited by the British Empire in the 18th Century and elevated to rule in the style of the Maharajas of the East India Colonial rule. They are not allies, but just tools of the Empire. The young Salman evidently did not understand this and started a war that could destroy the rule of the Saudi family. Now he is locked in the war and cannot stop it. The British interest is to foment chaos, and clearly, do not stop him from destroying himself. In the meantime, they just rob the money from the Saudis, just as many others do.

In the meantime, the British and their evil geopolitics must be attacked and isolated. The responsibility for the creation of the greatest human catastrophe in the world just now must be put squarely on the shoulders of the British and their main allies US and France. The brutal war on Yemen must stop immediately. It is not allowed to use a UN Resolution to commit crimes against humanity.