Yemen Condemns Terror Attack in Somali Capital, Mogadishu

Al-Thawra Net

A Foreign Ministry official source strongly condemned the terrorist attack in the Somali capital of Mogadishu last Saturday, which claimed the lives of 230 people and injured more than 300 civilians.

In a statement, the source said that targeting of civilians is against all religious morals, customs, humanitarian values and international charters.

He offered condolences to Somali and its people on behalf Yemeni people and wishing the wounded speedy recovery.

The source reiterated that terrorism is unacceptable and rejected in all its forms, whether individual or collective terrorism or state terrorism, is one of the most serious threats to international peace and security.

The same source warned of the repercussions of such terrorist acts on the region and the world as a whole, calling for the need for all regional and international forces to come together to confront the countries financed the terrorism and prevent them from reaching their targets through their own groups, headed by the kingdom of Al-Saud and Sheikhs of Abu Dhabi.

The source also stressed that the security and political instability in the region is the result of planned, intended and implemented conspiracies by specific States in the region has an interest in creating such a chaotic and terrorist situation in order in order to dominate and control.

“It is well known that these countries and groups are led by a number of kingdoms and sheikhs in the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf, with the support of the White House in Washington and the 10th Downing Street building of the British Government in London, including the terrorism of the Saudi Arabian-Emirati aggression and blockade against the Yemeni people,” the source added