3.4 b Losses of Technical Education in 1000 Days of Saudi Aggression

Al-Thawra Net

The technical education and vocational training sector in the capital Sana’a has suffered significant damage during 1000 days of the Saudi-US aggression estimated at 3 billion 407 million riyals.

The Director of the Technical Education Bureau of the Metropolitan Secretariat, Yahya al-Maakhadi said that within 1,000 days of the aggression, had targeted infrastructure for educational establishments technical and vocational training at the capital Sana’a which led to obstructing the educational process in more than 75 per cent, noting that eight technical institutes and colleges of the community are affected.

“The damage and material losses of buildings in technical and vocational institutes and colleges amounted to about 2 billion and 425 million riyals, while the technical equipment losses amounted to about 982 million and 668 thousand riyal,” he said in a statement to SABA.

Four educational facilities had been bombed deliberately, and four institutes and colleges had been bombed indirectly by aggression out of 11 facilities in the capital Sana’a, resulting in serious or partial damage to infrastructure of these institutions, he added.

According to statistics of The Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training that about 67 technical and vocational institutes and community colleges in addition to 17 private enterprises were exposed to destruction during the 1000 days of aggression, partly or wholly, in the capital and other provinces of the Republic at a cost of losses amounted to 51 billion and 667 million and 755 thousand riyals.